Contos de Alguém para todos Vós

"If one is not half mad, how can one give birth to a dancing star?" (Nietzsche)

sábado, janeiro 19, 2008

... it tickles inside...

Heart shaped glasses, Marlyn Manson

She reminds me of the one in school, when
I was gutted she was dressed in white.
And I couldn't take my eyes off her, but that's not what I took off that night,.
She'll never cover up what we did with her dress. No.
She said "kiss me it'll heal, but it won't forget".
"Kiss me it'll heal, but it won't forget".
I don't mind you keeping me on pins and needles.
If I could stick to you, and stick me too.
Don't break,
Don't break my heart, and I won't break your heart shaped glasses.
Little girl, little girl
you should close your eyes,
that blue is getting me high.
Don't break,
Don't break my heart,
and I won't break your heart shaped glasses.
Little girl, little girl
you should close your eyes,
that blue is getting me high.
Making me low.
That blue is getting me high.
Making me low.
She reminds me of the one
I knew that cut up the negatives of my life.
I couldn't take my hands off her,
she wouldn't let me be anywhere but inside.
I don't mind you keeping me on pins and needles.
If I could stick to you, and stick me too.
Don't break,
Don't break my heart,
and I won't break your heart shaped glasses.
Little girl,
little girl you should close your eyes,
that blue is getting me high.
Don't break,
Don't break my heart,
and I won't break your heart shaped glasses.
Little girl,
little girl you should close your eyes,
that blue is getting me high.
Making me low.
She'll never cover up what we do with the dress.
No. She said "kiss me it'll heal, but it won't forget".
"Kiss me it'll heal, but it won't forget".
I don't mind you keeping me on pins and needles.
If I could stick to you, and could stick me too.
Don't break,
Don't break my heart,
and I won't break your heart shaped glasses.
Little girl,
little girl you should close your eyes,
that blue is getting me high.
Don't break,
Don't break my heart,
and I won't break your heart shaped glasses.
Little girl,
little girl you should close your eyes,
that blue is getting me high.
Making me low.
... há óculos que não merecem ser partidos.... mas riscados... isso já é de reconsiderar. Reconsiderando... ha pessoas que merecem partir!
E a fascinação continua! Abençoado mundo!... e abençoada eu!

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